Tonya Ruiz

ruiztonyaFee Range: $1000-2000
Location: California
Book Tonya Ruiz.

Tonya Ruiz is a dynamic communicator who speaks nationally. She is also the author of Beauty Quest, A Model’s Journey.

Using humor and stories from her experiences, she shares Bible-based, timely, and inspiring messages with her audiences on such topics as:

Beyond Barbie
“Without the lights and make-up, even I don’t look like Cindy Crawford.” -Cindy Crawford

Can we compete with Barbie? She looks perfect, but her head is completely empty. Famous fashion designers, like Liz Claiborne and Donna Karan, label all their creations and Barbie has ‘Mattel’ stamped on her back. The Master Designer created us and His label is imprinted on our souls- ‘Fashioned by God, Designer Originals.’

“For You formed my inward parts. You covered me in my mother’s womb. I will praise You for I am fearfully and wonderfully made; marvelous are Your works and that my soul knows very well.” Psalms 139:13-14

The Fragrance of Beauty
“I can’t seem to forget you, your Windsong stays on my mind.” -Perfume jingle from the 70’s

What legacy would we leave if our spiritual scent lingered after we left the room? Would we be like Pepe Le Pew, the little French cartoon skunk, who was unaware of his offensive odor? There is no cologne to cover up the odor of sin, but if we put Christ first in every area of our lives, His sweet and gentle fragrance will flow through us and draw others to Him.

“For we are to God the fragrance of Christ among those who are being saved and among those who are perishing.” 2 Corinthians 2:15

Beauty Quest
“You have what God gave you and what you can do with a lipstick pencil.” -Eileen Ford (Modeling Agent)

For centuries women have been on a quest in search of beauty. We know that obsessing about external beauty is shallow, but let’s face it; most of us have a hard time getting past ‘skin deep.’ God is most concerned with our hearts, but we must also take good care of the unique and wonderful bodies He has created for us. Let’s use the Bible as our beauty manual so we will be truly beautiful women of God.

“Man looks at the outward appearance, but the Lord looks at the heart.” 1 Samuel 16:7

Tonya began modeling in 1978 at the age of 15, and soon left home for Paris. She became an international fashion model and was represented by the Ford Modeling Agency in New York. She is now a pastor’s wife, the mother of four and (Gasp!) a grandmother.

Tonya powerfully communicates one of today’s most important messages, “Physical beauty is only skin-deep and temporary, but true beauty is soul deep.” She is available to speak for luncheons, dinners, conferences, and retreats.