Tina Zahn

zahntinaFee Range: $2000+, $3000+
Location: Wisconsin
Book Tina Zahn.

On July 19, 2004, an amazing story, accompanied by incredible video footage, broke across network and cable news programs. After a high-speed chase to the top of Leo Frigo Memorial Bridge in Green Bay, Wisconsin, a young woman stopped, calmly stepped out of her car, walked to the edge of the bridge–and jumped. State trooper Les Boldt raced over, thrust out his hand, and in a miracle of timing and determination, snagged the woman’s wrist as she started the plunge. Other officers ran to his aid, and they pulled the woman to safety while the on-dash police cam captured the dramatic action.

Tina Zahn is a wife and mother of two and author of Why I Jumped: My True Story of Postpartum Depression, Dramatic Rescue and Return to Hope in which she tells of the depression that drove her to try to kill herself. Appearances include the Oprah Winfrey Show, Good Morning America, and the 2006 annual conference of MOPS, International held in Nashville, TN.

Zahn has served as the Director of Volunteer Resources for the American Red Cross, District Manager for the American Diabetes Association, and formerly worked as a Pharmaceutical Sales Rep for Bristol-Meyers Squibb. She holds Bachelor of Science degrees in Psychology and Human Development and currently serves as an instructor for One-to-One Discipleship and as facilitator for a local MOPS (Mothers of Preschoolers) group. She lives in Green Bay, Wisconsin, with her husband, Daniel, and their children, Sarah and Noah.