Jennifer Strickland

stricklandjenniferFee Range: $2000+, $3000+
Location: Texas
Book Jennifer Strickland.

Sought-after speaker, author and former professional model, Jennifer Strickland loves to inspire women and girls to discover a beauty and value that truly last. Open, honest, funny and real, Jennifer engages her audience with her incredible story of coming to faith in a world obsessed with outward appearance. But most of all, she unveils the lies the media is telling our girls about beauty, their bodies and their source of self-worth, replacing those lies with the truth of who they are in God’s eyes. Jennifer’s heart cries out for women and girls bombarded with images of “perfect beauty” they can never measure up to, and she loves nothing more than to teach girls about the power of real beauty that shines from the inside out.

Having spent fifteen years working and traveling world-round as a professional model for such designers as Giorgio Armani, Jennifer knows the ins and outs of one of the most glamorized industries in the world. Represented by the top modeling agencies in the world, including FORD Models NYC, Nina Blanchard of Los Angeles (now FORD L.A.) and FASHION Milan, Jen began modeling at eight years old, did her first television commercial at fifteen, and moved to Europe to work professionally at seventeen. In the coming years, she lived in Paris, Milan, Munich, Sydney, Los Angeles, and more. When she was eighteen, the legendary modeling agent Nina Blanchard named her the Face of the 90’s, and she soon appeared in Vogue, Glamour, ‘Teen, Cosmopolitan and many more.

While modeling, Jennifer earned a Bachelor’s degree in Broadcast Journalism from the University of Southern California, and after she left the fashion industry, she earned a Master’s degree in Writing and Literature with an emphasis in Biblical Literature.

Her recently published book, Girl Perfect: Confessions of a former runway model, is hitting a nerve with women and girls because it is so open, honest and relatable. In the book, she unveils the lies the world is telling women about beauty and points them instead to an identity that will truly last: one based upon the unchanging truth of the Word of God. Jennifer believes that if girls can “get” who they are in God’s eyes now, there is no telling the impact they can have on their peers as well as on future generations.

Topics Include:


Listen in as Jennifer shares the inspiring story of her rise in the world of fashion, her heart-wrenching fall, and the great discovery she made at the bottom: the undying love of Christ, which led her from an empty life to one overflowing with blessing.

True Beauty:

Drawing upon her years of experience in the modeling industry, Jen shatters the illusion that outward perfection equals inner fulfillment. She points women to the Bible to discover what true beauty is to God. As women discover what they look like in His eyes, they can become free to accept that perfect love that washes over all their imperfections.

* Can be tailored for pre-teens, teens, college-age, young moms, mother / daughter, and women of all ages.

** Can be expanded into a retreat format.

Men, Mirrors and Magazines:

(often titled “Unveiled: Seeing your Real Beauty in the Mirror of God” or “Unmasked”)

Women have a tendency to look to the wrong things for a reflection of their value. In these talks, Jen reveals the distorted view we get of ourselves when we look to “men, mirrors and magazines” for our identity. But better yet, she teaches us what it is to be “unveiled,” looking instead into the mirror of God to discover a beauty that lasts. There, we find that we are his precious creations, beloved daughters and holy temples, created to be the mirror images of Christ in a lost and hurting world.

* Can be tailored for pre-teens, teens, college-age, young moms, mother / daughter, and women of all ages.

** Can be done in a 45-75 minutes talk or expanded into 3-5 talks in a retreat format. This is Jen’s most popular retreat.

Freedom from the Perfect Lie

Our world tells us that “perfect” is possible. We can and should have the perfect body, image and look; we long for the perfect affirmation and acceptance from the people in our lives; and we are looking for the perfect dream, the perfect path, the perfect success story. Yet “perfect” is not possible on earth! By weaving her testimony into these talks, Jen reveals the lies the world tells women and girls and replaces them with the truths that set us free. Based upon her book “Girl Perfect,” this retreat is a powerful, life-changing experience for all who attend!

* Can be tailored for pre-teens, teens, college-age, young moms, mother / daughter, and women of all ages.

** Can be done in a 45-75 minute talk or expanded into 3-5 talks in a retreat format. Topics can be chosen to tailor the needs of the audience from Jen’s book Girl Perfect.

Eve, Mary and Me

Most girls and women today feel alienated from the women of the Bible, thinking these ancient females are inaccessible and unrelatable to our modern day fears and problems. In these talks, Jen draws upon her studies in biblical literature to unearth the stereotypical way biblical women have been viewed throughout history. She then returns us to the biblical text to reveal who these women really were – from Eve to the Virgin Mary to Mary Magdalene – helping us see how profoundly their stories mirror our own, and how much we can learn from them.

* Can be tailored for pre-teens, teens, college-age, young moms, mother / daughter, and women of all ages.

** Can be done in a 45-75 minute talk or expanded into 3-5 talks in a retreat format.


“Jennifer is a captivating speaker. She keeps the listener hanging in wonder of what’s coming next! Her presentation is not only absorbing, it reveals the truth of God’s power to heal a wounded spirit.”

— Barbara Brown, Stonecroft Ministries Regional Representative, San Diego, CA

“I watched my 12-year-old’s eyes when Jen spoke, and she listened to her because she lived the life most girls and women glamorize and desire! God is using Jen in a mighty way!”

– Bernie Gleason, attendee, the Hidden Beauty Event, Simi Valley, CA

“Jennifer is a compelling speaker who quickly draws audiences into her life story. Women identify with her provocative message of turmoil despite the path of fame she was following. Her greatest tribute is that she leads us to God, who gave her new life.”

— Colleen Hoover, Director of Women’s Ministries, Riverview Evangelical Free Church, Bonsall, CA

Testimonials about Jen’s book, Girl Perfect:

“Every woman deals with the desire to be ‘perfect’ and the insecurities that surface when we realize we will never measure up to that perfect image in our own head. With absolute honesty, Jennifer Strickland takes us on her journey through the world of high fashion modeling. As I read the book, my heart broke for seventeen-year-old Jennifer as she was faced with situations no teenager should ever face. As soon as I finished reading it, I went to my own teenage daughter and reminded her that she is beautiful … just the way she is. Thank you, Jennifer, for taking the time and having the courage to write this very important book. It just might save countless lives!”

— Holly Wagner, Founder, GodChicks Conferences

“This is one of the most honest, authentic books I have ever read. Jennifer’s life is a miracle, and her message is compelling. The first thing I did after reading the book was hand it to all three of my daughters. I recommend the book, and my friend Jennifer Strickland, to you.”

– Jim Burns, PhD, President, HomeWord

“Jennifer writes with a raw honesty about her journey in a world where your value is determined by your appearance. The girl in the picture was beautiful, but her depleted, hollow soul was the price. Deep into her spiral, sitting at a table, she whispers the word ‘God’ and is introduced to the One who could love her deeply and free her from ‘perfect.’ Few will ever live in the world she did, but many need to hear her message of the tragedy of getting caught up in a pursuit of externals and missing where true life, joy, and passion really lie.”

— Nancy Ortberg, Former Teaching Pastor, Willow Creek Community Church

“This is honestly one of the best, most heartfelt, most compelling, pure and truthful books I have read. I have no doubt that Jen’s dream will come true of being able to reach out to young women everywhere with the love of Christ through her life story. Hold onto your hats! You cannot read Girl Perfect without looking deeper into your relationship with the Maker!”

— Kelly Marie McFadden, writer and developer, HomeWord