Lindsey O’Connor

oconnorlindseyFee Range: $2000+
Location: Colorado
Book Lindsey O’Connor.

Lindsey O’Connor is an author, speaker, and journalist specializing in family life and women’s issues in culture. She writes, speaks, and communicates over the airwaves nationally offering a thoughtful, conservative voice on issues and ideas women grapple with today like personal development, family enrichment, work, and faith.

With warmth, humor, and spiritual depth, Lindsey discusses ways a woman–regardless of her stage of life–can replace a lifestyle of mere survival with one of purposeful living, personal growth, and fulfilled dreams. She offers women principles, biblical teaching, and inspiration toward less stressful, less frustrating more deeply rewarding lives. She recounts her own miraculous story of being in a coma on life support for two months after the birth of her fifth child and describes it as the greatest drama of her life to which she attributes her new life motto–that each day is a gift, not a given. And, that miracles really do happen.

Lindsey continues to pursue excellence and cutting edge training in her journalism work and recently attended Harvard University’s 2004 Nieman Conference on Narrative Journalism. She joined 1000 national and international working journalists in Cambridge to learn more about the art and craft of literary or narrative journalism– telling the events of the world through story and from a human perspective.

She has keynoted national women’s conferences including Hearts and Home and Heritage Keepers, and speaks nationally for women’s groups and retreats. She was named the Advanced Writer’s and Speakers Association Member of the Year in 2003.

Articles by Lindsey have been published in Guideposts, Single Parent Family from Focus, and Moody magazines, among others.

Lindsey holds a B.A. in broadcast communications from Stephen F. Austin University. She and her husband, Tim, live in Colorado where they have five children from crib to college.